Market Size WhereAbout in Customers


It is very difficult to find the total amount or restaurants in the world. Since 2014 there have not been a single market report being published but they are guessing a rough estimate at 15,000,000 restaurants worldwide in 2014. Pubs, bars and café's

Estimates peg there being just under 2,000,000 on-trade outlets in the world as of 2015, and the growth of on-trade is happening at an almost global level.

Theme Parks

There are hundreds of theme parks all over the world, varying massively in both quality and popularity. The USA remains the leading theme park market and is the home turf of giants Disney and Universal. Asia, though, is emerging as a hotspot for thrill-seekers, while Europe continues to offer some outstanding attractions.

Culture and Museums

There are approximately 55,000 museums in the world. The Museums of the World 2017 by De Gruyter Saur lists a total of 55,000 in 202 countries. Of the approximately 55,000 museums in the world the ILMS lists 33,100 museum in the USA.

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